
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

WaveFront technology

The Fingerprint Of Your Vision™
Your vision is unique—as personal as your fingerprint or your DNA. Wavefront mapping of your eyes provides LaserVue doctors information on more than just the corneal surface of your eye. It reveals the way your entire optical system processes light. The Wavefront Map provides a new level of diagnostic information previously unavailable to the doctor.

Using this information, the doctors at LaserVue can:

Accurately assess whether you're a good candidate for laser vision correction. Anyone who is considering laser vision correction should obtain a Wavefront Map as the first step.
Along with the other diagnostic tests that LaserVue doctors perform, a personalized treatment plan can then be developed to address your unique vision needs.
The Wavefront Map: from the cosmos to LaserVue Eye Center office's
The Wavefront Map is derived from technology first developed to correct distortions of light waves from space. This allowed researchers to accurately view images of stars and planets. The Wavefront Map uses the same technology to measure light waves as they travel through your eye. This technology provides a precise and more detailed analysis of your vision.

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