Conjunctivitis is a common eye disease that can affect people of all ages at any point of time. This is caused by infection in the transparent layer that covers the white portion of the eyes and in the inner sides of the eyelids. When your eyes are affected with conjunctivitis then they turn red and hence the name pink eye.
Pink eyes cause irritation and soreness of the eyes. The infection may be due to some virus or bacteria or intrusion of certain foreign substances into the eyes. This disease will look severe with children as the eyes turn red and cause pain. This disease is contagious and hence all the members must be alert to protect themselves from conjunctivitis when someone in the household gets affected.
The reasons causing pink eye may be due to infections or allergies.
Infection can be caused by some bacteria that cause cold, sinus, soar throat and other infections. Certain infections caused in the body by bacteria and virus also turn the eyes red. Bacteria causing sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia and gonorrhea can also lead to pink eyes.
Some people may be allergic to certain types of food and environmental conditions. When they are exposed to their allergic conditions then also they may be affected by conjunctivitis. People may be allergic to chicken meat, grass, seasonal pollen grains and dust mites. They may be affected by pink eye when they were to face the allergic substances.
Certain chemicals like chlorine, soaps and polluted air and smoke may also cause pink eyes. These chemicals may cause irritation in the eyes.
Giant papillary pink eye affects people who wear outdated contact lenses. Those who wear contact lenses must check their eyes atleast once a year and change the lenses if necessary.
The common symptoms include the eyes turning red, irritation and pain. Depending on the causes the symptoms differ slightly.
Pink eyes due to bacterial and virus infections will lead to red eyes that are watery and often discharge of fluid occurs. This starts in one of the eyes and spread to the other and both the eyes will be affected very soon. Infectious pink eyes are highly contagious.
Pink eyes due to allergic environments lead to red eyes with flowing tears, irritation and itch. Both the eyes are affected almost at the same time. This is non contagious.
Giant papillary pink eye will lead to red watery eyes with discharge and tears. This will develop swelling in the inner sides of the eye lids and irritation increases when the same old contact lenses are used.
The infections caused by bacteria can be treated with antibiotics. Ointments are also available and they can be applied over eyes to reduce the pain. A clean cloth dipped in warm water can be used to dissolve the discharge thereby reducing the infection.
Infections caused by virus need no treatments. They will go off in their own way as the human immune system will work to fight the viral infections. Antibiotics will not generally work with viral infections. When your children are affected with viral pink ye you must consult the doctor to reduce the pain. Certain medicines may be prescribed by the doctor to help the body combat against the virus. Eye drops can also be applied to reduce the swelling and the irritation.
Anti-inflammatory, antihistamine medicines are used to cure allergic pink eye. The best medicine is to keep the victim away from his allergic conditions. Eye drops are also suggested to overcome the irritation and soreness. Substances causing allergy must be identified and must be kept away from the person to stop the infection from developing.
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