The acquired experience of excimer laser surgery has proved that the combined method of photorefractive keratoectomy with fine microsurgery technique has advantages over other operations. Special requirement to ametropia correction precision привели resulted in developing at our clinic an absolutely new operation which was named refractive modifying excimer laser intrastromal keratoectomy with protection (REIKP). The prototype of the REIKP operation is LASIK.
A lot of experience in refractive surgery acquired by leading ophthalmology clinics of the world within these years and permanent analysis of the data received enabled to detect certain unwanted moments of the procedure performed in accordance with the universally recognised method of LASIK affecting the final result.
Introduction of changes at all the stages of the operation including preliminary sparing local anaesthesia (pain relief) enables to imrove the quality of the procedure performed and speeds up the rehabilitation process greatly. Complete revision of the whole operation course enabled to single out the REIKP as an absolutely independent and new operation in its quality which eliminates refraction anomalies.
During this procedure unlike during the PRK prior to the laser influence the surgeon forms a thin rag of the cornea surface layers with a microkertom and lays it in a special way. Computer modelling of the cornea optic surface with laser doesn't touch its surface layers. This method enables to operate on the both eyes simultaneously. THe patients' eyesight recovers within several hours after the operation. The REIKP procedure is absolutely painless and endured well even by children.
The procedure period is less than 1-2 minutes. Within 1.5-2 hours after the operation slight lachrymation, photophobia and winking discomfort can be observed. All this time the patient is under observation of our specialists. The REIKP enables to reach high visual acuity with all the patients and improve their satisfaction with the operation result. During this operation we use only NIDEK-EC 5000 excimer laser and the best keratom by MORIA (France).
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Contact lenses
Contact lenses which became widespread in the middle of the fifties of the 20th century have a number of advantages over spectacles and can for today offer normal life even to a very active person going in for sports. Nonetheless, wearing them is also connected to certain inconvenience. A lot of people just can't get used to a foreign body in the eye. But even if you have adapted to lenses well sometimes they cause irritation and can contribute to bringing an infection, which, in its turn, can cause serious, up to blindness, consequences. They are contraindicated for wearing during any, even the lightest, colds. The process of taking the lenses off and putting them on is rather unpleasant and, worse than that, can fall out at the most unsuitable moment.
In an attempt to get rid of the inconvenience connected to wearing spectacles or contact lenses more and more people resort to the surgeon's help.
In an attempt to get rid of the inconvenience connected to wearing spectacles or contact lenses more and more people resort to the surgeon's help.
The most widespread method of shortsightedness correction is spectacles. With all their advantages spectacles bring a lot of inconvenience to their owner: they get dirty all the time, steam up, sli off from the bridge of the nose, prevent from going in for sports or just engage in physical activity. In order to avoid the overstrain of the eyes spectacles are chosing by the 8th line of the table and, as a result, do not provide 100 % of teh eyesight. They limit the side vision greatly, affect the stereoscopic effect and space perception, which is especially important for drivers and in case of an accident the broken lenses can cause a serious trauma. Besides, the incorrectly chosen spectacles can be the reason for the constant overstrain of the eyes and gradual development of eye diseases connected to it.
Farsightedness (hypermetropia) - the inability to see close objects - is connected to the shortened form of the eyball or insufficient power of cornea. With farsightedness light rays passing through the cornea focus behind the retina, as a result of which the image perceived as blurred. People suffering from the hypermetropia of high degree can hardly see close as well as distant objects. With young people slight hypermetropia can be compensated at the expense of the active work of the lens. At that the person sees distant as well as close objects equally clearly but the overstrain causes headache, the feeling of "sand" in the eyes and quick tiredness.
With elderly people the inability to see close objects clearly can be caused not by the shortened form of the eye but the reduction of the lens elasticity and its muscles weakening. This disease is called presbyopia or gerontal farsightedness.
Todat there exist three methods of correcting farsightedness:
contact lenses
laser correction.
Historians divide the authorship to the invention of spectacles between the emperor Neron who gazed at the gladiators' fights through a large emerald and ancient Chinese who used to tie especially finished pieces of quartz glass to the eyes. Ancient Roman doctors tried to treat shortsightedness by prescribing the patients to lay bags with sand onto the eyes, which caused temporary change in the cornea form and the whole eyeball and, in a way, anticipated modern surgical correction methods.
With elderly people the inability to see close objects clearly can be caused not by the shortened form of the eye but the reduction of the lens elasticity and its muscles weakening. This disease is called presbyopia or gerontal farsightedness.
Todat there exist three methods of correcting farsightedness:
contact lenses
laser correction.
Historians divide the authorship to the invention of spectacles between the emperor Neron who gazed at the gladiators' fights through a large emerald and ancient Chinese who used to tie especially finished pieces of quartz glass to the eyes. Ancient Roman doctors tried to treat shortsightedness by prescribing the patients to lay bags with sand onto the eyes, which caused temporary change in the cornea form and the whole eyeball and, in a way, anticipated modern surgical correction methods.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetes mellitus is a condition which affects millions of Indians. It impairs the body's ability to use and store sugar. Elevated blood sugar levels and excessive thirst and urination are the indicators of diabetes. It can affect vision by causing damage to the blood vessels of the retina, or a higher incidence of cataract and glaucoma. Changes are also seen in blood vessels all over the body.
It is an advanced stage of the diabetic disease process in which the blood vessels in the retina are damaged and leak fluid or blood. The longer a person has diabetes, the more the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. People with type I diabetes [diabetes since childhood] are more likely to develop diabetic retinopathy at a younger age.
Early diabetic retinopathy usually has no symptoms. Gradual blurring of vision may occur if fluid leaks in the central part of the retina [the macula]. In late diabetic retinopathy [proliferative stage], new abnormal blood vessels begin growing on the surface of the retina or the optic nerve. These vessels have weak walls and leak blood out into the retina and vitreous [jelly that fills most of the eye]. Presence of blood in the path of light entering the eye blocks vision.
A complete eye examination is required for the detection of diabetic retinopathy. We perform a painless examination of the retina of the eye using an instrument called the indirect ophthalmoscope after dilating the pupils. If diabetic retinopathy is found, a special test called fluorescein angiography may be performed where a dye is injected in the vein and photographs of the retina are taken.
In early cases only regular follow-up may be necessary. More advanced cases require treatment to control the damage of diabetic retinopathy and improve sight. Laser photocoagulation involves the focusing of a powerful beam of laser light on the damaged retina to seal leaking retinal blood vessels and stop abnormal blood vessel [neovascularization] growth.
Vitrectomy - In the event of the patient presenting with very advanced diabetic retinopathy, a microsurgical procedure known as vitrectomy is recommended. Blood-filled vitreous gel of the eye is replaced with a clear solution to aid in restoring vision. Sometimes the retina may also be detached. Vitrectomy surgery is then performed to reattach the retina.
Prevention of diabetic retinopathy and accompanying visual loss is a team effort involving the patient and our team of diabetic eye specialists. Early detection of diabetic retinopathy is the best protection against loss of vision. Diabetics must have their retinas examined atleast once a year. Our diabetic clinic is designed towards providing regular preventive care as well as follow-up for patients with established diabetic retinopathy.
It is an advanced stage of the diabetic disease process in which the blood vessels in the retina are damaged and leak fluid or blood. The longer a person has diabetes, the more the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. People with type I diabetes [diabetes since childhood] are more likely to develop diabetic retinopathy at a younger age.
Early diabetic retinopathy usually has no symptoms. Gradual blurring of vision may occur if fluid leaks in the central part of the retina [the macula]. In late diabetic retinopathy [proliferative stage], new abnormal blood vessels begin growing on the surface of the retina or the optic nerve. These vessels have weak walls and leak blood out into the retina and vitreous [jelly that fills most of the eye]. Presence of blood in the path of light entering the eye blocks vision.
A complete eye examination is required for the detection of diabetic retinopathy. We perform a painless examination of the retina of the eye using an instrument called the indirect ophthalmoscope after dilating the pupils. If diabetic retinopathy is found, a special test called fluorescein angiography may be performed where a dye is injected in the vein and photographs of the retina are taken.
In early cases only regular follow-up may be necessary. More advanced cases require treatment to control the damage of diabetic retinopathy and improve sight. Laser photocoagulation involves the focusing of a powerful beam of laser light on the damaged retina to seal leaking retinal blood vessels and stop abnormal blood vessel [neovascularization] growth.
Vitrectomy - In the event of the patient presenting with very advanced diabetic retinopathy, a microsurgical procedure known as vitrectomy is recommended. Blood-filled vitreous gel of the eye is replaced with a clear solution to aid in restoring vision. Sometimes the retina may also be detached. Vitrectomy surgery is then performed to reattach the retina.
Prevention of diabetic retinopathy and accompanying visual loss is a team effort involving the patient and our team of diabetic eye specialists. Early detection of diabetic retinopathy is the best protection against loss of vision. Diabetics must have their retinas examined atleast once a year. Our diabetic clinic is designed towards providing regular preventive care as well as follow-up for patients with established diabetic retinopathy.
Broad Beam Lasers
A broad beam laser uses a relatively large beam diameter (from 6.0 to 8.0 millimeters) that can be manipulated to ablate the cornea. The broad-beam laser results in the shortest procedure time. This speed creates less likelihood of overcorrection and decentration - a complication caused by movement of the pupil. A disadvantage is an increased possibility of center islands - a complication related to ablation. However, ophthalmologists have learned to decrease the incidence of center islands by using several short laser pulses to ablate the cornea instead of one longer one.
Slit Scanning Lasers
A slit scanning laser uses relatively small beams linked to a rotational device with slit holes that can enlarge. During surgery, the laser beam scans across these holes to gradually increase the ablation zone. A uniform beam and potentially smoother ablations characterize slit scanning lasers. Disadvantages include a slightly higher propensity for decentration and slightly greater risk of overcorrection.
Spot Scanning Lasers
These systems have the potential to produce the smoothest ablations and use radar technology to track the eye's movement. They also have the potential to treat irregular astigmatism and link to topography. These lasers must be linked to eye tracking to ensure proper centration.
A broad beam laser uses a relatively large beam diameter (from 6.0 to 8.0 millimeters) that can be manipulated to ablate the cornea. The broad-beam laser results in the shortest procedure time. This speed creates less likelihood of overcorrection and decentration - a complication caused by movement of the pupil. A disadvantage is an increased possibility of center islands - a complication related to ablation. However, ophthalmologists have learned to decrease the incidence of center islands by using several short laser pulses to ablate the cornea instead of one longer one.
Slit Scanning Lasers
A slit scanning laser uses relatively small beams linked to a rotational device with slit holes that can enlarge. During surgery, the laser beam scans across these holes to gradually increase the ablation zone. A uniform beam and potentially smoother ablations characterize slit scanning lasers. Disadvantages include a slightly higher propensity for decentration and slightly greater risk of overcorrection.
Spot Scanning Lasers
These systems have the potential to produce the smoothest ablations and use radar technology to track the eye's movement. They also have the potential to treat irregular astigmatism and link to topography. These lasers must be linked to eye tracking to ensure proper centration.
Wavefront Technology
Wavefront Technology is the latest technology available to treat vision correction.
Wavefront treatment is personalised by not only correcting your prescription but also aberrations or imperfections which occur naturally in your eyes. Each treatment is unique to your eyes. The result of the Wavefront treatment using the latest technology is a better quality of vision.
This type of treatment requires a sophisticated piece of equipment called an Aberrometer, which is capable of generating an accurate map of each eye and its aberrations (imperfections). Advance VisionCare has obtained the latest Wavefront technology: Zyoptix from Bausch and Lomb. The system used generates the Wavefront map, which is used diagnostically for initial consultation and post-operative analysis to ensure the best possible treatment is provided. Sophisticated software will then convert the wavefront map into a unique treatment prescription, which in turn will be electronically transferred to a computer controlling the laser itself.
The benefits of 'Wavefront' Treatment are :
Patients experience a higher quality of vision i.e. contrast (black on white) is more defined, than with standard LASIK.
Patients may experience a better vision in poor lighting, twilight, or for night driving.
The recovery time to good vision may be more rapid than with standard LASIK.
Wavefront technology removes less corneal tissue therefore patients with thinner corneas may be able to be treated than with standard LASIK therefore able to treat higher prescription safer and more accurately.
It is important to note that the aim of this treatment is not to improve detail of vision beyond that achieved with glasses (i.e. lines on the vision chart), but the overall quality of vision when compared to standard treatment.
Improved Quality of Vision
In low lighting conditions our pupils expand (or 'dilate'). Research shows that there are more 'aberrations' or optical imperfections at the outer edges (periphery) of the pupil. This results in a distortion of the light entering the eye. As a result, it is possible to be able to look at a round light source in the distance, but instead of seeing a perfectly round shape, you will see an irregular image. This distortion of light reduces the quality of our vision and explains one of the reasons why many patients experience difficulty with their vision when driving at night.
Zyoptix treatments have been designed to remove these optical imperfections, improving not just what we see, but the quality of how we see objects.
97% of patients reported a marked or extreme improvement in their quality of vision.
98.2% of patients said they would have a Zyoptix treatment againQuality of Vision After Surgery %
Extreme Improvement 84.7%
Marked Improvement 12.1%
Moderate Improvement 1.8%
Slight Improvement 1.2%
No Improvement 0.3%
Satisfaction with Surgery %
Very Satisfied 98.8%
Neutral 1.2%
Moderate Improvement 0%
Slight Improvement 0%
What results can you expect?
Significantly more Wavefront patients in this study experienced improved results with their vision when driving at night than patients that had received a standard Bausch & Lomb LASIK treatment.
Night Driving
More than 8 out of 10 Wavefront patients in this study reported same or better quality of vision in various common light conditions. 90.7% of patients reported the same or fewer difficulties with night driving.
Excellent Visual Acuity
Zyoptix produces a better quality of vision as well excellent visual acuity results. In this recent FDA approved trial, 91.3% of patients achieved 20/20 (6/6) vision without any correction 6 months after the treatment. 99.4% of patients achieved 20/40. 70.3% of patients achieved 20/16 vision without any glasses or spectacles, which is an improvement over the accepted standard of 20/20 vision.
Wavefront treatment is personalised by not only correcting your prescription but also aberrations or imperfections which occur naturally in your eyes. Each treatment is unique to your eyes. The result of the Wavefront treatment using the latest technology is a better quality of vision.
This type of treatment requires a sophisticated piece of equipment called an Aberrometer, which is capable of generating an accurate map of each eye and its aberrations (imperfections). Advance VisionCare has obtained the latest Wavefront technology: Zyoptix from Bausch and Lomb. The system used generates the Wavefront map, which is used diagnostically for initial consultation and post-operative analysis to ensure the best possible treatment is provided. Sophisticated software will then convert the wavefront map into a unique treatment prescription, which in turn will be electronically transferred to a computer controlling the laser itself.
The benefits of 'Wavefront' Treatment are :
Patients experience a higher quality of vision i.e. contrast (black on white) is more defined, than with standard LASIK.
Patients may experience a better vision in poor lighting, twilight, or for night driving.
The recovery time to good vision may be more rapid than with standard LASIK.
Wavefront technology removes less corneal tissue therefore patients with thinner corneas may be able to be treated than with standard LASIK therefore able to treat higher prescription safer and more accurately.
It is important to note that the aim of this treatment is not to improve detail of vision beyond that achieved with glasses (i.e. lines on the vision chart), but the overall quality of vision when compared to standard treatment.
Improved Quality of Vision
In low lighting conditions our pupils expand (or 'dilate'). Research shows that there are more 'aberrations' or optical imperfections at the outer edges (periphery) of the pupil. This results in a distortion of the light entering the eye. As a result, it is possible to be able to look at a round light source in the distance, but instead of seeing a perfectly round shape, you will see an irregular image. This distortion of light reduces the quality of our vision and explains one of the reasons why many patients experience difficulty with their vision when driving at night.
Zyoptix treatments have been designed to remove these optical imperfections, improving not just what we see, but the quality of how we see objects.
97% of patients reported a marked or extreme improvement in their quality of vision.
98.2% of patients said they would have a Zyoptix treatment againQuality of Vision After Surgery %
Extreme Improvement 84.7%
Marked Improvement 12.1%
Moderate Improvement 1.8%
Slight Improvement 1.2%
No Improvement 0.3%
Satisfaction with Surgery %
Very Satisfied 98.8%
Neutral 1.2%
Moderate Improvement 0%
Slight Improvement 0%
What results can you expect?
Significantly more Wavefront patients in this study experienced improved results with their vision when driving at night than patients that had received a standard Bausch & Lomb LASIK treatment.
Night Driving
More than 8 out of 10 Wavefront patients in this study reported same or better quality of vision in various common light conditions. 90.7% of patients reported the same or fewer difficulties with night driving.
Excellent Visual Acuity
Zyoptix produces a better quality of vision as well excellent visual acuity results. In this recent FDA approved trial, 91.3% of patients achieved 20/20 (6/6) vision without any correction 6 months after the treatment. 99.4% of patients achieved 20/40. 70.3% of patients achieved 20/16 vision without any glasses or spectacles, which is an improvement over the accepted standard of 20/20 vision.
Cataract Surgery
Blurry vision due to cataracts is common in adults over the age of 50, and new advances in cataract surgery make it easier than ever to treat this problem. At our Columbus, Ohio area centers, we have helped many cataract sufferers restore their vision through advanced cataract surgery procedures.
Although it is a common problem, many people do not know what cataracts are or that they are suffering from them. Below, we have provided information about cataracts and cataract surgery so that you can better understand this common vision problem. To determine if cataracts have affected your vision and if cataract surgery is needed, the experienced eye professionals at Bloomberg Eye Center in Columbus, Ohio, will perform a thorough eye examination.
Cataracts refer to a condition in which the normally clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy, causing glare, and affecting a person’s ability to see clearly. Cataracts rarely affect younger people, while people 60 and older are at the greatest risk of developing cataracts. Other factors, such as certain diseases and injuries, as well as heredity, can also increase your risk of developing cataracts.
If you believe your blurry vision is due to cataracts and would like to find out if cataract surgery can help, contact our Newark and Columbus, Ohio practice to schedule a free evaluation and consultation.
Although it is a common problem, many people do not know what cataracts are or that they are suffering from them. Below, we have provided information about cataracts and cataract surgery so that you can better understand this common vision problem. To determine if cataracts have affected your vision and if cataract surgery is needed, the experienced eye professionals at Bloomberg Eye Center in Columbus, Ohio, will perform a thorough eye examination.
Cataracts refer to a condition in which the normally clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy, causing glare, and affecting a person’s ability to see clearly. Cataracts rarely affect younger people, while people 60 and older are at the greatest risk of developing cataracts. Other factors, such as certain diseases and injuries, as well as heredity, can also increase your risk of developing cataracts.
If you believe your blurry vision is due to cataracts and would like to find out if cataract surgery can help, contact our Newark and Columbus, Ohio practice to schedule a free evaluation and consultation.
Eye Care Centre in India
Chaudhary Eye Centre & Laser Vision is a super specialty eye institute.
The Specs Removal / Correction Clinic covers all the aspects of the latest technology for laser eye surgery / eyesight correction & treatment i.e. C-Lasik Laser ( Customized / Customised Lasik Laser / Wave front guided Lasik), Simple Lasik Laser, E-Lasik (Epi-Lasik), Phakic IOLs ( ICL & Verisyse) & RLE (Refractive Lens Exchange).
The Cataract Clinic handles procedures like Phaco (Stitchless cataract surgery) with foldable lens and the latest multifocal lenses like Restor (Alcon) & Tecnis-multifocal (AMO).
The Vitreo Retina Clinic is a comprehensive retina management unit and covers procedures like Digital Flourescein Angiography, Retinal Lasers, TTT & PDT, Ultrasonography B scan, Vitreo Retina surgical procedures etc.
The Squint Clinic handles all complex squint conditions of the eye.
The Oculo-plastic Clinic caters to plastic surgery of eye tissues including DCR, Ptosis and skin grafting etc.
The Cornea Clinic manages eye donation and cornea transplant.
The Glaucoma Clinic takes care of preventive screening, visual field analysis and management of raised intraocular pressure of eye.
All procedures are performed by a group of senior eye specialists / doctors, and the institute is directed by Dr Sanjay Chaudhary, a pioneer in the field of lasers in eye surgery in India. The facilities are available at Chaudhary Eye Centre and Laser Vision, Daryaganj, New Delhi, India. The Centre / Center is located in the heart of Delhi, being 3 kms from the Railway Station and 40-minute drive from the Delhi International airport (IGI). The laser machines used are from the best-known international brands.
The Specs Removal / Correction Clinic covers all the aspects of the latest technology for laser eye surgery / eyesight correction & treatment i.e. C-Lasik Laser ( Customized / Customised Lasik Laser / Wave front guided Lasik), Simple Lasik Laser, E-Lasik (Epi-Lasik), Phakic IOLs ( ICL & Verisyse) & RLE (Refractive Lens Exchange).
The Cataract Clinic handles procedures like Phaco (Stitchless cataract surgery) with foldable lens and the latest multifocal lenses like Restor (Alcon) & Tecnis-multifocal (AMO).
The Vitreo Retina Clinic is a comprehensive retina management unit and covers procedures like Digital Flourescein Angiography, Retinal Lasers, TTT & PDT, Ultrasonography B scan, Vitreo Retina surgical procedures etc.
The Squint Clinic handles all complex squint conditions of the eye.
The Oculo-plastic Clinic caters to plastic surgery of eye tissues including DCR, Ptosis and skin grafting etc.
The Cornea Clinic manages eye donation and cornea transplant.
The Glaucoma Clinic takes care of preventive screening, visual field analysis and management of raised intraocular pressure of eye.
All procedures are performed by a group of senior eye specialists / doctors, and the institute is directed by Dr Sanjay Chaudhary, a pioneer in the field of lasers in eye surgery in India. The facilities are available at Chaudhary Eye Centre and Laser Vision, Daryaganj, New Delhi, India. The Centre / Center is located in the heart of Delhi, being 3 kms from the Railway Station and 40-minute drive from the Delhi International airport (IGI). The laser machines used are from the best-known international brands.
Rapid Eye Technology
Rapid Eye Technology is intended to complement rather than substitute for proper medical or psychological care. RET techniques and processes are tools for personal growth and as such are not intended for the treatment or diagnosis of any medical or psychological condition. If you are suffering from a medical or psychological condition of any kind seek out the advice of a qualified and licensed medical or psychological professional.
We make every effort to ensure that the prices listed on our website are accurate. The Rapid Eye Institute will not be held liable for any typographical errors or prices listed in error. Prices, policies, and offers subject to change without notice.
We make every effort to ensure that the prices listed on our website are accurate. The Rapid Eye Institute will not be held liable for any typographical errors or prices listed in error. Prices, policies, and offers subject to change without notice.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Macular degeneration
Macular degeneration, often called AMD or ARMD (age-related macular degeneration), is the leading cause of vision loss and blindness in Americans aged 65 and older. Because older people represent an increasingly larger percentage of the general population, vision loss from macular degeneration is a growing problem.
AMD occurs with degeneration of the macula, which is the part of the retina responsible for the sharp, central vision needed to read or drive. Because the macula primarily is affected in AMD, central vision loss may occur.
A significant study* estimated that 1.75 million U.S. residents had advanced age-related macular degeneration with associated vision loss, with that number expected to grow to almost 3 million by 2020.
AMD occurs with degeneration of the macula, which is the part of the retina responsible for the sharp, central vision needed to read or drive. Because the macula primarily is affected in AMD, central vision loss may occur.
A significant study* estimated that 1.75 million U.S. residents had advanced age-related macular degeneration with associated vision loss, with that number expected to grow to almost 3 million by 2020.
Laser Types
Excimer lasers, designed for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), are marvels of modern medicine.
Many potential LASIK recipients want to know more about subtle differences among currently approved instruments. But for most people, laser choice makes no significant difference.
Most experts agree that surgeon skill and experience and the quality of care before and after a corrective eye surgery procedure are far more critical factors affecting final LASIK outcomes
Although all approved excimer lasers meet safety and effectiveness criteria established by the FDA, certain people may be better off with one type of laser over another.
Many potential LASIK recipients want to know more about subtle differences among currently approved instruments. But for most people, laser choice makes no significant difference.
Most experts agree that surgeon skill and experience and the quality of care before and after a corrective eye surgery procedure are far more critical factors affecting final LASIK outcomes
Although all approved excimer lasers meet safety and effectiveness criteria established by the FDA, certain people may be better off with one type of laser over another.
A Patient Experience with surgery
I was tired of wearing glasses, and really did not enjoy putting on contact lenses, so I decided to get my vision corrected.
There was no preparation before the procedure, but you definitely need someone to come with you to guide you back home.
I entered the doctor’s office and I was given some eye drops while in the waiting room. A few minutes later I was taken into a holding room where I put on scrubs.
After a few minutes I was guided to the surgery room, and directed to lie down with my head in a brace to prevent excessive head movement. A mask was placed over my head so that it only exposed one eye at time and my eye lids where taped open.
The doctor was very good about explaining each step as he was doing it, and I kept my head as still as possible, concentrating on a red light. Water was put on my eye and a brush was used to clean the surface (you don’t feel anything, so it’s kind of cool to see the drops and brush movement). Next, there was an apparatus that was placed over my eye and I felt a slight pressure on the eye.
After this I couldn’t see for a split second then the light was visible again. More washing was done, and then the doctor informed me that the laser part was about to begin and to keep my head as steady as possible. The light intensified (I still couldn’t feel anything) and I heard some noise. After this they washed the eye again, and removed the tape that was applied to the eyelids, and then I blinked.
The doctor informed that it went well and then preceded to do the next eye, which went exactly the same way. From start to finish the entire operation was about 10 minutes.
After the procedure, I went to the waiting room and rested with my eyes closed for 10 minutes. The doctor then called me into his office. He looked on the surface of my eyes, and I read the last line of an eye chart. My eyes were watering throughout this part.
I left and had no pain, but discomfort when I opened my eyes that day. I kept my eyes closed (as recommended by the doctor), opening occasionally. My eyes pretty much watered the first day. I wore dark sunglasses while in the house.
The second day was much better; my eyes felt fine with very minimal watering. It felt as if I was wearing contacts for the first time, so I felt a slight discomfort when I blinked. I remained in the house (recommended by the doctor) this day, again keeping dark sunglasses on.
After that, I functioned normally, and the only thing different was I wore dark glasses while outside for 2 weeks after the procedure.
There was no preparation before the procedure, but you definitely need someone to come with you to guide you back home.
I entered the doctor’s office and I was given some eye drops while in the waiting room. A few minutes later I was taken into a holding room where I put on scrubs.
After a few minutes I was guided to the surgery room, and directed to lie down with my head in a brace to prevent excessive head movement. A mask was placed over my head so that it only exposed one eye at time and my eye lids where taped open.
The doctor was very good about explaining each step as he was doing it, and I kept my head as still as possible, concentrating on a red light. Water was put on my eye and a brush was used to clean the surface (you don’t feel anything, so it’s kind of cool to see the drops and brush movement). Next, there was an apparatus that was placed over my eye and I felt a slight pressure on the eye.
After this I couldn’t see for a split second then the light was visible again. More washing was done, and then the doctor informed me that the laser part was about to begin and to keep my head as steady as possible. The light intensified (I still couldn’t feel anything) and I heard some noise. After this they washed the eye again, and removed the tape that was applied to the eyelids, and then I blinked.
The doctor informed that it went well and then preceded to do the next eye, which went exactly the same way. From start to finish the entire operation was about 10 minutes.
After the procedure, I went to the waiting room and rested with my eyes closed for 10 minutes. The doctor then called me into his office. He looked on the surface of my eyes, and I read the last line of an eye chart. My eyes were watering throughout this part.
I left and had no pain, but discomfort when I opened my eyes that day. I kept my eyes closed (as recommended by the doctor), opening occasionally. My eyes pretty much watered the first day. I wore dark sunglasses while in the house.
The second day was much better; my eyes felt fine with very minimal watering. It felt as if I was wearing contacts for the first time, so I felt a slight discomfort when I blinked. I remained in the house (recommended by the doctor) this day, again keeping dark sunglasses on.
After that, I functioned normally, and the only thing different was I wore dark glasses while outside for 2 weeks after the procedure.
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