
Thursday, January 22, 2009



The acquired experience of excimer laser surgery has proved that the combined method of photorefractive keratoectomy with fine microsurgery technique has advantages over other operations. Special requirement to ametropia correction precision привели resulted in developing at our clinic an absolutely new operation which was named refractive modifying excimer laser intrastromal keratoectomy with protection (REIKP). The prototype of the REIKP operation is LASIK.

A lot of experience in refractive surgery acquired by leading ophthalmology clinics of the world within these years and permanent analysis of the data received enabled to detect certain unwanted moments of the procedure performed in accordance with the universally recognised method of LASIK affecting the final result.
Introduction of changes at all the stages of the operation including preliminary sparing local anaesthesia (pain relief) enables to imrove the quality of the procedure performed and speeds up the rehabilitation process greatly. Complete revision of the whole operation course enabled to single out the REIKP as an absolutely independent and new operation in its quality which eliminates refraction anomalies.

During this procedure unlike during the PRK prior to the laser influence the surgeon forms a thin rag of the cornea surface layers with a microkertom and lays it in a special way. Computer modelling of the cornea optic surface with laser doesn't touch its surface layers. This method enables to operate on the both eyes simultaneously. THe patients' eyesight recovers within several hours after the operation. The REIKP procedure is absolutely painless and endured well even by children.

The procedure period is less than 1-2 minutes. Within 1.5-2 hours after the operation slight lachrymation, photophobia and winking discomfort can be observed. All this time the patient is under observation of our specialists. The REIKP enables to reach high visual acuity with all the patients and improve their satisfaction with the operation result. During this operation we use only NIDEK-EC 5000 excimer laser and the best keratom by MORIA (France).

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