
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Contact lenses

Contact lenses which became widespread in the middle of the fifties of the 20th century have a number of advantages over spectacles and can for today offer normal life even to a very active person going in for sports. Nonetheless, wearing them is also connected to certain inconvenience. A lot of people just can't get used to a foreign body in the eye. But even if you have adapted to lenses well sometimes they cause irritation and can contribute to bringing an infection, which, in its turn, can cause serious, up to blindness, consequences. They are contraindicated for wearing during any, even the lightest, colds. The process of taking the lenses off and putting them on is rather unpleasant and, worse than that, can fall out at the most unsuitable moment.

In an attempt to get rid of the inconvenience connected to wearing spectacles or contact lenses more and more people resort to the surgeon's help.

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